Pet Hospitalization
Littleton West Animal Hospital is dedicated to caring for your dog or cat when they are in need of medical help.
Pet Hospitalization in Littleton, CO
We offer a comprehensive pet hospitalization process for patients in need of extended care. After the initial veterinary exam, a treatment plan is formulated, which may include diagnostic testing, radiographs, placing of an IV catheter, treatment with medications or procedures. Your pet will be a temporary resident in our ICU ward during hospitalization.

Regular monitoring of your pet, treatments, walks etc. will be done throughout the day by a veterinary nurse and overseen by the veterinarian. Communication with you during this time is a priority for us. We understand the worry and concern you will experience, and you need to be informed and understand how your pet is doing.
At Littleton West Animal Hospital, visiting is available during all open hours; however, at some times, it might have to be a short visit. At the time of discharge, you will always be sent home with detailed home care instructions and information regarding your pet’s illness. If at any time your pet becomes critical we will facilitate a transfer to a critical care emergency facility for 24 hour care and veterinary specialists.